Return to School Questionnaire Autumn 2021

Name *
Year *
How are you feeling about your return to school this term? *
What are the reasons for you feeling like this?
If you were worried about something, who would you go to for support?
Do you feel that you try and achieve as well as possible? *
Why is this and what could we do to help you improve?
Which lessons do you really enjoy?
Why do you think that these lessons are the best?
Do you think your prep helps you to make progress?
How long do you spend on your prep each day?

How could this be improved?
What clubs do you take part in?
Are there any clubs you would like us to add?
Do you enjoy our Prestfelde lunches?
What do you particularly like?
What would you change if you could?

Thank you for completing this questionnaire, we will use your answers to help review our ways of working and improve our school even further. 

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